This FAQ only addresses questions and answers about the use of the Shopify App released on the platform.
Why are there NO cookies found during the scan?
Probably because your website is under construction or password protected. This means our scanner is not able to visit the website and can't collect the cookies being used on your site. Request another scan over our support center after disabling the password protection.
Where are my consents stored?
The consents are stored on our servers located in Germany and France.
Why can't i see a log of all the consents?
Currently this feature is only available over our customer portal. We are working on integrating this within the Shopify application in due time.
What happens if I uninstall the app?
All the domain related data is being deleted on uninstalling.
I get an Unauthorized error message
This might be caused by the fact that your domain or email is also registered on our default platform and not only over the Shopify App. Remove the app and send an email to support (at) so we can fix the issue.